Action Ensemble is a contemporary music ensemble for improvised and indeterminate compositions.  It came into being by the supervision and suggestions of composers like Alireza Amirhajebi and Aftab Darvishi. While the composers in the ensemble are usually under juxtaposition, main members are Arpine Israyelian and Yalda Ehsani. Arpine Israyelian (Piano Improvisation), Sohrab Motabar (Electronics) and Yasaman Koozehgar (Cello) have taken part in the composition and production of this specific piece.

Eternity was recorded mostly on-remote between the artists (the cello was recorded in the Studio ‘A’) and later mixed and mastered as a part of the album. Sohrab Motabar have contributed the electronic music part, while Ms. Arpineh Israylian made and Yasaman Koozehgar made their improvisations on piano and cello according to their composition idea.