Electroacoustic Music Competition
The International Confederation of Electroacoustic Music is pleased to announce the biennial PRIX CIME 2021 International Electroacoustic Music Competition.
The International Confederation of Electroacoustic Music (ICEM) was founded in 1981 in Bourges, France and since then it is a member of the International Music Council (IMC). CIME-ICEM is a non-profit international organization consisting of National Federations and Organization, Institution and Associate Members.
Today, the ICEM consists of seventeen National Federations: FARME (Argentina), FeBeME – BeFEM (Belgium), CECh (Chile), EMAC (China), LNME (Cuba), Charm of Sound (Finland), FéFraME (France),
BEAN (Great Britain), HELMCA (Greece), HCMF (Hungary), AARSOM (Mexico), PSeME (Poland), Miso Music (Portugal), AMEE (Spain), AMEG (Switzerland), and UAEM (Ukraine), SEAMUS (USA);
and twelve International Organization Members and Associate Members: ACMA (Australia), GrupLac in Bogota (Colombia), Spectro Center in Tehran (Iran), Tempo Reale in Florence (Italy), CMMAS in Morelia (Mexico), Institute of Sonology in Hague (Netherlands), CEAMMC in Moscow (Russia), The Orquesta del Caos in Barcelona (Spain), ICST in Zurich (Switzerland), CEMI in Denton (USA); Musiques et Recherches in Ohain (Belgium) and DME in Lisbon (Portugal).
For more information, please visit:
Deadline for Submissions is May 31, 2021
The competition is divided into two categories:
- • Category 1: Prix CIME – Open to all composers regardless of age.
- • Category 2: Residency Prix CIME – Open to all composers born after December 31, 1986.
Competition Guidelines
- • The competition is open to all regardless of gender, nationality, affiliation and irrespective if your country of residence is a member of ICEM
- • Applicants may submit only one composition
- • Only works written within the last 5 years will be considered
- • Anonymous submission is required.
- • There is no duration limitation
- • There is no entry fee
- • Open to all forms of electroacoustic music including:
- o fixed audio
- o instrument(s) and electronics (fixed and/or live)
- o video music
- o sound art and new interfaces
- – Work in progress will not be considered.
Submission Guidelines
Submit the online application form. Click on the link below to access the online application form:
- • the submitted files must be anonymized
- • uncompressed audio files 16/24bit at 44.1kHz sampling rate
- • for multichannel works include a stereo version of the piece
- • for multichannel works submit the audio files in a separate folder along with spatial information on a separate document
Please provide a valid permanent link to your work using a file hosting service like Dropbox, GoogleDrive, OneDrive, etc. Upload a single .zip file named with the title and the year of your composition (e.g., title_2021.zip). Submission materials must be included within a single zip, such as audio files (include a stereo reduction for multichannel works), video files, musical score of the work in .pdf, etc. Make sure the link will remain active until July 30, 2021.
Jury Members
Emmanuel Blanco (LNME Cuba)
Francis Dhomont (ICEM Member of Honor)
Marcelo Espíndola (CECH Chile)
Annette Vande Gorne (M&R Belgium)
Martyna Kosecka (SPECTRO Iran)
Andreas Mniestris (HELMCA Greece)
Jon Nelson (CEMI/UNT TX/USA)
Elzbieta Sikora (ICEM Member of Honor)
Barry Truax (ICEM Founding Member)
- 1. The competition will award the following prizes:
- • Category 1 – Prix CIME (the prize could be divisible in the case of ex aequo)
- • Category 2 – Residency Prix CIME
- 2. The Studio Residencies for category 2 include 1-2 weeks studio support, accommodation, and lodging arranged by each center independently. The participating centers will be announced in due time
- 3. The selected works from both categories will receive:
- – ICEM CD/DVD release <http://audio.art.pl/audiomat/>
- – Distribution to the ICEM members for concert/broadcast programming
- – Performance at the ICEM annual festival
- – Online publication
- – There is no prize money for the awarded works
- 4. The jury has the right to award Honorable Mentions
Important Dates
– Open call February 2021.
– Deadline for submissions May 31, 2021.
– Final deliberations and announcement during the ICEM General Assembly in Fall 2021.
The competition is administered by the ICEM Main Board. Please direct questions about the competition or the submission process to the ICEM Secretary Panayiotis Kokoras at email@panayiotiskokoras.com