11, 12 & 13 October 2019, Krakow/ Poland
Friday 11 of October 2019, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Preliminary Board of Directors
Marek Choloniewski, ICEM President and President of the Polish Federation, opened the meeting of the Board of Directors and welcomed the representatives for their attendance. Board members thanked Marek Choloniewski for hosting the 37th CIME/ICEM General Assembly, Festival, and Conference.
ICEM secretary Panayiotis Kokoras confirmed the ICEM members present to the meeting.
- Marek Choloniewski (CIME President, PSeME)
- Panayiotis Kokoras (CIME Secretary, CEMI/UNT)
- Nikolay Popov (CEAMMC)
- Anna Pospelova (CEAMMC)
- Giulia Sarno (TEMPO REALE)
- Lidia Zielinska (PSeME)
- Dariusz Mazurowski (PSeME)
- Todor Todoroff (FeBeME)
- Manuel Rocha Iturbide (AARSOM)
- Jose Manuel Berenguer (AMEE/ O.d.Caos)
- Catalina Peralta (GrupLac Investigación y Creación)
- Miguel Azguime (MISO MUSIC)
- Adam Stanovic (BEAN)
- Martyna Kosecka (SPECTRO)
- Idin Samimi Mofakhan (SPECTRO)
- Alla Zagaykevych (UAEM)
- Andreas Mniestris (HELMCA)
In addition, seven proxy letters were sent by:
- Andrea Szigetvari – HCMF
- Jon Nelson – CEMI/ UNT
- Zhang Xiaofu – EMAC
- Elzbieta Sikora – Honorary member
- Rodrigo Sigal – CMMAS
- Francis Dhomont – Honorary member
- Gerald Bennett – Founding Member
- German Toro-Perez – ICST/ ZHDK
The Board of Directors approved unanimously the agenda of the General Assembly 2019 as well as the minutes from the 2018 General Assembly in Beijing/ China, which was made available to all members.
In the moral report 2018, President Marek Choloniewski reminded that ICEM is working towards the expansion of the number of its members, with new National Federations or Organization Institution Members, especially in countries where there are non present. Also, he mentioned the importance for each member to be in good standing so that they met the dues schedule and secondly and most importantly, to be active by taking part in the ICEM activities.
In the activities report, the Secretary Panayiotis Kokoras gave a report on the ICEM concerts organized by the following members: Tempo Reale, FeBeME, Spectro, HELMCA, EMAC, Miso Music, PSeME, FARME, promoting more than 70 performances among members, as well as the Prix CIME Competition and the CIME-ICEM Double CD 2018 by Audiomat. The president encouraged the development of projects among federations. The Board of Directors unanimously approved the moral report, the activities report, and the financial report.
Next, the board of directors discussed on the activities for 2020, including the next General Assembly candidacies, the development of new and existing projects as well as the provisional budget 2020. Some of the upcoming projects for 2020 include: ICEM concert at Spring in Havana 2020 by Cuban National Federation, ICEM concert by Tempo Reale in Italy, ICEM participation at Música Viva Festival 2020 at O’culto da Ajuda in Lisbon, ICEM concerts by FeBeME in Belgium, Audiomat CD release ICEM Krakow 2019, Prix CIME follow-up with residencies and further dissemination of the winning works, ICEM concert at Audio Art Festival in Krakow by PSeME, ICEM participation at the annual festival of HELMCA. Miguel Azguime reminded us about the scope and history of the International Rostrum of Electroacoustic Music (IREM). The last 11th edition of IREM took place in Lisbon, December 17-20, 2007, hosted by the Portuguese federation MISO MUSIC. The director of Miso Music, Miguel Azguime, is exploring the possibility to organize the 12th edition in 2021 or 2022.
Due to the passing of Francoise Barrière (Treasure of ICEM), the board of directors proposed Todor Todoroff (President of FeBeME, Belgian National Federation) as the next treasurer and Christian Clozier as treasurer adjunct for 2019-2020.
The next item on the agenda was the proposals for admission from new members. The board discussed two proposed ICEM members due from last year’s General Assembly, by Musiques & Recherches in Ohain/Belgium (Director Annette Vande Gorne) and DME (Dias de Música Electroacústica) in Lisbon/ Portugal (Director Jaime Reis), as well as a new proposal from the Society for Electro-acoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS). Additionally, the board discussed the status of inactive members such as the Finnish and Swiss federations. The board will make efforts to re-enact communication and collaboration with these members and send official letters. The cancellation of these members will be considered during the next GA if no further communication has been established. The GA decided to postpone for one more year the probationary period for the Australian Computer Music Association (ACMA) with president Lindsay Vickery while looking for better communication and collaboration with this member.
The next item was the proposal of a new Honorary Member. The board of directors agreed to propose several candidates to be considered for next GA; proposed names Candido Lima (by Miso Music) and Leo Cupper (by FeBeME).
In the closing of the board of directors, Miguel Azguime and other board members congratulated the work of the main board and acknowledged the good progress that has been made in the last years.
Saturday, 12 of October 2019, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM, General Assembly
The General Assembly approved the Minutes 2018 in Beijing/ China. The GA discussed the proposals of the Board of Directors with main points; the balance sheet 2019, the activities report 2019, as well as the project of activities 2020, and provisional budget 2020. All the proposals were approved. The GA voted unanimously on the reports and activities 2019 and 2020.
Then, Panayiotis Kokoras, coordinator of the Prix CIME competition, reported on Prix CIME 2019 and announced the jury deliberations.
The next item on the agenda was the vote for a new treasurer. Due to the passing of Francoise Barrière (Treasurer of ICEM), the GA unanimously voted Todor Todoroff as the next ICEM Treasurer, and Christian Clozier as Treasurer adjunct, for the remaining of the main board’s period. The president also reminded us that the next GA would elect the new main board for the period 2020-2023.
The next item of the General Assembly was the reports from the National Federations and Organization Institution Members. In turn, each Federation or OIM made a report on the activities and the situation of electroacoustic music in their country. The reports were presented with the following order:
TEMPO REALE by Giulia Sarno, CEMI/UNT by Panayiotis Kokoras, SPECTRO by Martyna Kosecka and Idin Samimi Mofakham, HELMCA by Andreas Mniestris BEAN by Adam Stanovic, UAEM by Alla Zagaykevych, PSeME by Dariusz Mazurowski, MISO MUSIC by Miguel Azguime, GrupLac Investigación y Creación by Catalina Peralta, AMEE and Orquesta del Caos by Jose Manuel Berenguer, AARSOM by Manuel Rocha Iturbide, FeBeME by Todor Todoroff. Moreover, Konstantinos Karathanasis, board member of SEAMUS presented SEAMUS’s candidacy as National Federation of ICEM.
Next, the GA unanimously approved the provisional admission of SEAMUS as a National Federation of the US. After the first probationary year, the next GA will vote for full membership, as indicated in the statutes. Next, the General Assembly voted unanimously to remove Francoise Barrière’s name from the Honorary Presidents list in respect of her and her family’s request. Also, the GA accepted to withdrawal of the MISAME membership.
The items on the agenda of the General Assembly were all considered. The first day of the General Assembly concluded with the final discharge of the board of directors.
Sunday, 13 of October 2019, 9:00AM – 11:30 AM, General Assembly
The first item in the agenda was the proposals of admission from new members. The General Assembly examined the membership application of DME (Dias de Música Electroacústica) in Lisbon/ Portugal (Director Jaime Reis) as well as the Musiques & Recherches in Ohain/ Belgium (Director Annette Vande Gorne). Annette Vande Gorne was able to join the GA in person to present the scopes, history, and activities of M&R. Then the General Assembly voted for the two candidacies as following: 12 yes, 5 no, 1 neutral for DME and 11 yes, 6 no, and 1 neutral for M&R. As a result, both DME and M&R have been accepted as Associate Members per statute article 5.3. As discussed, Associate Members are effective where National Federations are already active, while Organization/Institution members are considered where there is no National Federation, or it is inactive.
Next, the General Assembly examined the proposed places for the next General Assemblies of 2020, 2021, and 2022. FeBeME maintains an interest in organizing the 38th GA 2020 in Brussels; Miso Music in Lisbon proposed to organize one of the upcoming General Assemblies and hopes to combine it with an IREM edition, potentially in 2022; finally Tempo Reale will also examine the possibility of organizing the GA in 2020 in Florence/ Italy. As a result, the Main Board reserves the right to follow-up with the interested members for the upcoming GA 2020. All the members will be informed as soon as possible about the location and dates of the next GA.
Last, members of the GA thanked the host of ICEM GA 2019 Marek Choloniewski, and the president closed the meeting.
Polish Society for Electroacoustic Music
Studio for Electroacoustic Music at the Academy of Music in Krakow
Tomasza Str. 43, 31-027 Kraków
C o n f e r e n c e
37th General Assembly of International Confederation of Electroacoustic Music
Françoise Barrière in Memoriam
Krakow, October 11-13, 2019
15.00 – 17.00 Chamber Hall General Assembly 1 – Board of Directors
19.00 Concert Hall CONCERT 1
Andres Levin DIRGE for Françoise Barrière 2019 5:20 AMEE, Spain
Eduardo Polonio Elle aimait les chevaux, in memoriam Françoise Barrière 2019 4:25 AMEE, Spain
Juan José Raposo Tombeau pour Françoise Barrière 2019 5:15 AMEE, Spain
Julio Sanz Vázquez ¿Cómo te lo diría yo? 2019 5:26 AMEE, Spain
Philippos Theocharidis Baza (Debris) 2016 3:14 HELMCA, Greece
Andreas Mniestris Brainrinth 2019 14:00 HELMCA, Greece (Nikos Kokkalis – idea & image processing, Stefanos Papadas – video processing)
José Manuel Berenguer El durmiente 2015-19 10:00 Orquestra del Caos, Spain
Pablo Redes Son-Ethos 2013 9:51 Orquestra del Caos, Spain
Emil Bruscolini Porto 2018 9:31 Tempo Reale, Italy
Manuel Rocha Iturbide Trama de Tramas 2018 8:52 video AARSOM, Mexico
- Anna Margules contralto & bass flute recorder
Rodrigo Sigal Repetition of Perception 2012 7:40 AARSOM, Mexico
Antonio Russek Ten sound snapshots 2019 6:00 AARSOM, Mexico
9.00 – 11.30 Chamber Hall General Assembly 2
12:00 – 14.30 Chamber Hall CONFERENCE Panel 1
Marek Chołoniewski Moving objects and wave field synthesis AMK, Kraków
Slavomír Hořínka / Michal Rataj / Jan Trojan Speakerhead and the HAMU mobile acousmonium as a live instrument for the orchestration of space HAMU, Praha/Czech Republic
José Manuel Berenguer Acousmonium versus Immersive media in Spain Orchestra del Caos, Spain
Manuel Rocha Iturbide Electroacoustic Music and Sound Installation. Point of convergence and divergence AARSOM, Mexico
Panayiotis Kokoras Fab Synthesis: Performing sound, from Musique Concrète to Mechatronics CEMI, Denton/USA
Todor Todoroff The use of sound interactions in recent contemporary dance performances FeBeME, Brussels, Belgium
15:30 – 18.00 Chamber Hall CONFERENCE Panel 2
Catalina Leonor Peralta Caceres Acousmonium? The Halaphon’s spatialization, through Luigi Nono’s “Omaggio a György Kurtág”, for Alt, Flute, Clarinet in Bb, Tuba and live-electronics GrupLac, Bogota/Colombia
Adam Stanović The Electroacoustic Performance: a compositional ‘telos’ BEAN, Shefeeld, UK
Miguel Azguime The Loudspeaker Orchestra paradigm: a place for interpretation of electroacoustic music? Miso Music, Lisboa/Portugal
Alla Zagaykevych Early Ukrainian cinema as a potential source of electroacoustic music UAEM, Kyev/Ukraine
Annette Vande Gorne Space and Acousmonium Musiques&Recherches, Ohain/Belgium
19:00 Concert Hall CONCERT 2
CIME Prix 2019 Annoucement
Anya Pospelova Dvo_YE 2019 8:00 CEAMMC/Russia audio video
- Edyta Fil bass flute
Nikolay Popov Edit(a)Fill 2015 7:00 CEAMMC/Russia audio video
- Edyta Fil flutes
Miguel Azguime SheBeingBrand 2010-14 6:00 Miso Music/Portugal
Filipe Esteves Estuário 2019 12:00 Miso Music/Portugal
Panayiotis Kokoras Mosaicing 2016 7:16 CEMI UNT/USA audio
- Edyta Fil flute
Jon Christopher Nelson When left to His Own Devices 2018 8:40 CEMI UNT/USA
Qi Shen Aurora 2012 7:00 CEMI UNT/USA
Jean-Baptiste Zellal Ruines 2016 8:14 M&R/Belgium
Loup Mormont Ultramarine IV 2019 10:12 M&R/Belgium
Annette Vande Gorne Haiku: été, jeu d’insectes lancinants 2018 2:46 M&R/Belgium
Catalina Leonor Peralta Caceres …Per DUO BASSO II, quasi recitativo 1998/2019 9:00 GrupLac/Colombia audio video
- Jakub Gucik cello
- Kazimierz Pyzik duble-bass
- Catalina Peralta live electronics
Harold Vasquez-Castaneda Residuo de Esterella Blanca (Reminder of White Star) 1999-2000 7:30 GrupLac/Colombia
Dariusz Mazurowski VIVA L’autunno 2018 5:00 PSeME/Poland
Elżbieta Sikora Aquamarina 2018 10:00 PSeME/Poland
Wojciech Błażejczyk Étude semi-concrète. Study for Many Strokes on Different Objects for objectophones and guitars (Hommage à Włodzimierz Kotoński) 2019 10:22 PSeME/Poland audio video
- Wojciech Błażejczyk objectophones, guitars, electronics
9.00 – 11.30 Chamber Hall General Assembly 3
12:00 – 14.30 Chamber Hall CONFERENCE Panel 3
Barbara Okoń-Makowska Space composed and concert space – limits in interpretation of sound diffusion UMFC, Warszawa/Poland
Dorota Błaszczak Daily Data Orchestra UMFC, Warszawa/Poland
Lorenzo Brusci Giardino Sonoro, natural music dissolvings. A model for the intensive inhabitance of new realities Florence, Berlin, Krakow
Katerina Gryvul Devaluation by abundance in electronic music UAEM, Kyev/Ukraine
Mateusz Bień eNastro multichannel sound diffusion system AMK, Kraków/Poland
Robert Lisek Meta-learning for music composing Institute of Advanced Studies Central European University, Budapest/Hungary (Skype)
15:30 – 18.00 Chamber Hall CONFERENCE Panel 4
Maciej Walczak Simulation of moving acousmonium in VR – journey to the world of dancing speakers AM Łódź/Poland
Marcin Rupociński Memory game. Reflection on the development of electronic instruments at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries AM Wrocław/Poland
Artur Lis Oscillators, graphics, acousmatics and binaural beats Intermedia, Kraków/Poland
Michał Janocha 5-dimentional Sound Geometry AM Poznań/Poland
Robert Gogol Acousmatic, and even better Virtual AM Poznań/Poland
Karolina Dąbek Sound is always motionless. About sound illusion in avantgarde music of the end half of XX century AMK, Kraków/Poland
19:00 Concert Hall CONCERT 3
Jean-Louis Poliart Erosion 1993 5:27 FeBeME/Belgium
Daniel Perez Hajdu Jeu 2007 3:30 FeBeME/Belgium
Stéphanie Laforce Bach Ballon-On 2015 4:40 FeBeME/Belgium
Échos baroques, caverne 2012 3:03 FeBeME/Belgium
Todor Todoroff Studio 4 2004 5:00 FeBeME/Belgium
Ma Shihua Hymn for Creators 2019 5:30 EMAC/China
Mi Wenbo Language 2018 5:40 EMAC/China
Qiao Yang The sound memory of yonblakon 2018 5:26 EMAC/China
Idin Samimi Mofakham Fata Morgana 2018 9:25 Spectro/Iran audio
- Edyta Fil flutes
- Jakub Gucik cello
- Martyna Zakrzewska piano
- Idin Samimi Mofakham electronics
Arsalan AbedianCstück Nr 2 2015 5:04 Spectro/Iran
Elsa Justel Cercels et surfaces 2013 14:52 FARME/Argentina
Sviatoslaw Krutykov Chronometry 2019 10:00 UAEM/Ukraine audio
- Jakub Gucik cello
Anton Stuk The last and the greatest day of Oboe 2019 6:42 UAEM/Ukraine
Alla Zagaykevych Interlude 2018 4:00 UAEM/Ukraine
David Holland Talasgair 2018 8:39 BEAN/UK
Louise Rossiter Homo Machina 2018 10:07 BEAN/UK
Entrance free
Webcast live at www.sme.amuz.krakow.pl
Organisations and delegates attending:
AARSOM (Manuel Rocha Iturbide, Anna Margules), AMEE/Orquesta del Caos (José Manuel Berenguer), BEAN (Adam Stanović), CEAMMC (Anya Pospelova, Nikolay Popov, Edyta Fil), CEMI/UNT (Panayiotis Kokoras), FeBeME (Todor Todoroff), GrupLac (Catalina Peralta), HELMCA (Andreas Mniestris), M&R (Annette Vande Gorne), Miso Music (Miguel Azguime), PSeME (Wojciech Błażejczyk, Marek Chołoniewski, Dariusz Mazurowski, Edward Sielicki, Lidia Zielińska), SEAMUS (Konstantinos Karathanasis), Spectro (Martyna Kosecka, Idin Samimi Mofakham), UAEM (Alla Zagaykevych, Anton Stuk)
Program of Acousmonium Conference with concerts, papers and General Assembly of CIME available here
Call for Participation
Deadline, June 30, 2019, extended to July 23, 2019
https://www.cime-icem.net | http://www.sme.amuz.krakow.pl | http://www.pseme.com
Dear Friends,
We are pleased to announce the call for programs for the CIME/ICEM 37th General Assembly organized by the Polish Society for Electroacoustic Music (PSeME) | <http://www.pseme.com/>and the Studio for Electroacoustic Music at the Academy of Music in Krakow (SMEAMuz) <http://www.sme.amuz.krakow.pl/>. You can find more information regarding the festival at <https://www.cime-icem.net>. Please find attached the Call for Music and the Application Form. Both Concert Submission and Conference Presentation proposals must be submitted by July 23, 2019.
Each National Federation or Organization/ Institution Member (OIM) may submit music for concert programming consideration. The recommended duration of the submitted program is 20 minutes for CIME members attending the GA in Kraków and 10 minutes for members not attending. Please list the submitted works in order of preference. All submissions must be sent through National Federations or OIM members, no individual submissions are accepted.
Submissions can include works for fixed audio, instrument(s) and electronics, video music, sound art, and new interfaces. The available instruments are flute, cello, piano, and percussion while other instruments could be considered. The theme of the conference is Acousmonium, and we invite all delegates to submit an abstract of 500 words maximum for paper presentation consideration. Online presentations are possible via Skype.
Accommodation can be provided only for delegates presenting at the Acousmonium conference. Concert submissions and Conference presentation proposals must be submitted by July 23, 2019.
Please direct any questions you may have about the submission process directly to Marek Choloniewski <marek.choloniewski@gmail.com>.
We are looking forward to seeing you all in Kraków!
Main Board of CIME/ICEM
Marek Choloniewski
Panayiotis Kokoras
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Polish Society for Electroacoustic Music
Studio for Electroacoustic Music at the Academy of Music in Krakow
37th General Assembly of International Confederation of Electroacoustic Music
Krakow, October 11-13, 2019
Call for Participation
Deadline, June 30, 2019; extended to July 23, 2019
https://www.cime-icem.net | http://www.sme.amuz.krakow.pl/ | http://www.pseme.com/
- National Federation/ International Member Organization:
- Member’s name:
- Email:
- Attendance:
- I do not plan to attend: ____
- I will attend: ____
- Days of attendance: Friday 11, 12, 13 of October 2019
Concert Materials Submission
To submit concert program materials, please complete the section below for each composition. In addition to completing the form, it is required that all performance materials must be uploaded to a cloud drive such as GoogleDrive, Dropbox, etc. with link information submitted in this form.
For each music submission, please provide the following information to:
Marek Choloniewski – marek.choloniewski@gmail.com
with subject: CIME ICEM 2019 Music
For each work, please submit the following information:
- Title:
- Year:
- Medium: Fixed media, Live setup, Audio/Video, Instrument(s) and electronics (real time or not)
- First/ Last Name:
- Email:
- Duration:
- Does this work require Live Performer(s)?
- No
- Yes
- I will provide my own performer (name, email)?
- Request performer(s)
- Program Notes:
- Short composer biography:
- Number of outputs (up to 8-channel):
- Technical information required to perform the work:
- Cloud storage shared link:
Paper Submission
For each presentation, please submit the following information to
Marek Choloniewski – marek.choloniewski@gmail.com
with subject: CIME ICEM 2019 Music
- Author(s):
- Email:
- Title:
- Abstract (500 words maximum):
- Mode of presentation:
- I will attend and present in person
- I will present via Skype