31. General Assembly of CIME/ICEM

2013, Krakow, Poland

Resonance – International Conference on Music and Technology

CIME concerts

Academy of Music

Studio for Electroacoustic Music – 40th Anniversary

October 10  – 13, 2013


31th General Assembly and Board of Directors of the ICEM

2013 October 10-11 Krakow/Poland


Marek Choloniewski, ICEM President and President of the Polish federation PSeME hosted The 31th General Assembly of CIME in Krakow/Poland. He opened the meeting and thanked the participants for their attendance. The Rector of the Music Academy of Krakow, Prof. Zdzislaw Lapinski made a introductory speech for welcoming the ICEM members attending the General Assembly.

The following  members of CIME arrived to Krakow:
Lidia Zielinska, Krzysztof Gawlas and Marek Choloniewski (Poland), Gregorio Jimenez (Spain), Françoise Barrière (France and Founder Member), Alla Zagaykevych (Ukraine), Annette Vande Gorne and Todor Todoroff (FeBeME-Belgium). German Toro Perez (ICST, Switzerland), Thomas Bjelkeborn (IDKA, Sweden), Andrea Szigetvari, representing Hungarian Computer Foundation with its application to be accepted as an Organisation International Member of ICEM), Carlos Hidalgo (on behalf of Catalina Peralta representing Colombian federation of CIME) and Alexander Litvinovsky (member of Polish federation from Belarus).

The quorum was completed with the proxies sent by: Christian Clozier (MISAME-France), José Manuel Berenguer (Orquesta del Caos), Zhang Xiaofu (China), Panayiotis Kokoras (Greece), Luis María Serra (Argentina), Miguel Azguime (Portugal), and the Board of directors and the General Assembly was held. The agenda of the meeting was accepted.
The report of the 2012 Board of Directors and General Assembly in Beijing was approved unanimously.

In his moral report and his activities report, the President reminded that the ICEM wishes to extend the confederation to South Korea, Japan, USA, Finland, Turkey, Czech Republic (Michail Rataj from Radio Acoustica), Belarus. Two International Organisation Members applied to be members of ICEM: Rodrigo Sigal, founder and director of CMMAS in Morelia/Mexico (who was not able to come to Krakow) and Andrea Szigetvari, director of the Hungarian Computer Music Foundation joined the General Assembly in the afternoon of October 10.  The President proposed to extend the cooperation between CIME members through Internet, to open the consultation at the Internet web site of ICEM cime-icem.net. He reminded several PSeME projects:

He regrets the dissolution of the Columbian federation and wishes that a new representative can be organised. President visited Ultima Festival in Oslo and open the cooperation with the new President of the Norwegian federation, who was quite close to participate to CIME General Assembly, but from logistic reason was not able to come. M. Choloniewski was happy with many participants arrived to the Resonance conference, a new event initiated during previous General Assembly in Beijing. M.  Choloniewski mentioned about problems with membership fee for some federations, even that the amount was reduced from 230 € to 150€. The president explained also about lost or very limited contact with several federations. He suggested to choose a second OIM from a country where the national federation is not active enough and hoped that the second OIM federation will stimulate new actions with electroacoustic music in certain region.  F. Barrière reminded that in the past the General Assembly decided to send a registered letter to non-active members and to assign certain deadline for the answer. In case of permanent absence the national federation should be excluded. F. Barriére also presented her conversations with Sun-Juk-Kim  and Peter Stollery about the South Korean federation. It seems that Sun-Juk-Kim is on a way to arrange new activity with young Korean composers and universities and finally open a new Korean national federation.

No decision was taken about the economic subject.

The treasurer Françoise Barriere presented the financial report. On January  12013 the CIME deposited in his bank account 4 015,79 euros. After some expenses and  the sending of 2013 euros of membership fee before the General Assembly, the bank saldo was + 4.731,27 euros. 4 other fees are hoped to be deducted after the General Assembly. Consequently the final saldo on the end of 2013 should be 5331,27 euros.

The Board of directors approved the activities and financial reports and the new two OIM Members by unanonymous vote: CMMAS in Morelia/Mexico (Rodrigo Sigal)  and the Hugarian Computer Music Foundation (Andrea Szigetvari).

Thomas Bjellkeborn proposed to the General Assembly to cancel the membership fee in general. Long discussion follows about the silence of several federations. General Assembly also discussed the possible financial support by ICEM to federations who are in financial crisis. No decision was formulated.

On 11th of October, the General Assembly pursued its work.

The President began the session by speaking about the publication with the history of electroacoustic music through the CIME federations. At the moment on the CIME website we only have texts from Argentina, Chile, Poland, Portugal and Romania. President prompted to send the reminder to other federations.

Each representative of the national federations and OIM participating in the General Assembly expressed information about their activities, difficulties and projects for the future.

The question of the activities of ICEM on the net was discussed. The opinions were different, shared and conflicted between the members of the General Assembly in function of the wish of a larger diffusion and promotion of electroacoustic music on the web and to preserve the integrity of the works and the author’s rights. The discussion was long and vivid. The problem was not solved and needs to be continued in a future.

The location of 2014 General Assembly was chosen by Denton (Texas/USA) hosted by CEMI. Some doubts were expressed about cost of travel to Denton. The Main Board of CIME send the question to J.C. Nelson to find the best and cheapest connection with Denton. The General Assembly hoped the high participation of Latinoamerican federations and OIM. Their travel to Denton are supposed to be shorter than from Europe. The other parts of the organisation of the events during the 2014 General Assembly will be taken in charge by the ICEM office and Prof. Nelson. Ukranian federation proposed to arrange the General Assembly in 2015 in Kiev.

The General Assembly was completed with a big appreciation expressed by Marek Choloniewski to all participants.