26 & 27 September 2017, Moscow/ Russia
Tuesday 26 of September 2017, 10.00 am – 12.00 pm
Preliminary Board of Directors
Marek Choloniewski, ICEM President and President of the Polish Federation opened the meeting of the Board of Directors and welcomed the representatives for their attendance. He also thanked Igor Kefalidis, director of CEAMMC and Konstantin Zenkin Vice-rector of Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory for hosting the 35th CIME/ICEM General Assembly, Festival and Conference.
ICEM secretary Panayiotis Kokoras confirmed the voting members to:
– Francoise Barriere (CIME Treasurer)
– Marek Choloniewski (CIME President, PSeME)
– Christian Clozier (MISAME)
– Igor Kefalidis (CEAMMC)
– Panayiotis Kokoras (CIME Secretary, CEMI/UNT)
– Dariusz Mazurowski (PSeME)
– Catalina Peralta (GrupLac Investigación y Creación)
– German Toro Perez (ICST)
– Jaime Reis (PORTUGAL)
– Manuel Rocha Iturbide (AARSOM)
– Andrea Szigetvari (HCMF)
– Todor Todoroff (FeBeME)
– Katerina Tzedaki (HEMCA)
– Zhang Xiafu (EMAC)
– Lidia Zielinska (PSeME)
In addition, five proxy letters were sent by:
– Gerald Bennett (AMEG)
– Jon Appleton (Founding Member)
– Rodrigo Sigal (CMMAS, Morelia/Mexico)
– Gonzalo Biffarella (FARME, Argentina)
– Miguel Azguime (MISO)
The Board of Directors approved unanimously the agenda of the General Assembly 2017 as well as the 2016 minutes from General Assembly in Morelia/ Mexico made available to all members.
In the moral report 2017, President Marek Choloniewski reminded that ICEM is working towards the expansion of its members with new National Federations or Organization Institution Members especially in countries where there is none present. Also, he mentioned the importance for each member to be in a good standing so that they met the dues schedule and secondly and most importantly to be active by taking part in the ICEM activities.
The board discussed about two proposed ICEM members due from last year General Assembly; one from Tempo Reale in Florence and one from Institute of Sonology in Hague. In addition, two new proposals to be consider in the GA 2018; one by Musiques & Recherches in Ohain/ Belgium and DME (Dias de Música Electroacústica) in Lisbon. The last item of this discussion was the change of the Hungarian Computer Music Foundation from Organization Institution Member to Hungarian National Federation.
During the financial report 2017 ICEM treasurer Françoise Barriere, presented the financial report for the year 2017.
In the activities report, the board noted the release of the CIME-ICEM Double CD 2017 by Audiomat, the ongoing work on the history of electroacoustic music of ICEM members, and the updated official website of ICEM. Finally, secretary Panayiotis Kokoras gave an account on the ICEM concerts organized by the members of Iran, Greece, Argentina, Belgium and Poland, as well as the Prix CIME Competition. The president encouraged the development of projects among federations.
The Board of Directors unanimously approved the moral report, the activities report, and financial report.
Next the board of directors discussed on the activities for 2018, including the next General assembly candidacies, the development of new and existing projects as well as the provisional budget 2018.
The next item in the agenda was the proposals of admission from new members. The board unanimously voted the acceptance of two new members. The two new members in their probationary year are:
– Institute of Sonology in Hague as the Dutch National Federation member of ICEM with director Kees Tazelaar.
– Tempo Reale in Florence as an Organizations Institute Member of ICEM with Director Francesco Giomi and members of the center Francesco Canavese and Damiano Meacci.
– In addition, the Hungarian Computer Music Foundation (HCMF) with director Andrea Szigetvari approved to enter to the probationary year as a Hungarian National Federation from Organization Institution Member.
– The discussion to change GrupLac status from OIM to National Colombian Federation canceled after the explanation of GrupLac delegate Catalina Peralta that their organization currently cannot represent the entire nation of Colombia.
– The board also discussed two new proposals one by Musiques & Recherches in Ohain, Brussels (Director Annette Vande Gorne) and one from DME (Dias de Música Electroacústica) in Portugal (Director Jaime Reis). Following ICEM’s statue each proposal for admission of new members should be submitted to the Main Board of Directors two weeks before the meeting of the General Assembly in a written and signed letter. The board of directors unanimously voted to examine the admission of the two proposals in the next GA 2018 upon receiving a signed proposal at least two weeks before the GA.
ICEM presidents of honor Christian Clozier opened a discussion regarding the activity of the two members in their probationary year given that none of them was attending the GA to present their report of activities. However, after a thorough examination of their activities listed in their well-documented websites the board unanimously confirmed them to full members. The two members are:
– National Federation British ElectroAcoustic Network (BEAN), UK
– Organization Institution Member (OIM), Spectro Center for New Music, Tehran/ IRAN
Next item was the proposal of a new Honorary Member. The board of directors agreed to propose Canadian composer R. Murray Schafer, given he will accept the honor. Also, German Toro Perez suggested to have a special event for our recent honorary members in the next GA. The Board of directors agreed to work on this along with the host of the next GA 2018.
In the miscellaneous items the board discussed about the publication of the history of electroacoustic music from ICEM members and the best format that this initiation should take, collaborations with national radios or the initiation of ICEM web radio and the format it could have, different formats of the GA concerts and conference structure.
12.15 pm – 14.00 pm General Assembly
Next, the General Assembly approved the Minutes 2016 in Morelia/ Mexico.
The GA discussed the proposals of the Board of Directors with main points the balance sheet 2017, the activities report 2017, as well as the project of activities 2018, and provisional budget 2018. All the proposals were approved. The GA voted unanimously on the reports and activities 2017 and 2018.
Then, Panayiotis Kokoras gave a report on Prix CIME 2017 and distributed hard copies of the jury deliberations. The Board of Directors discussed the Prize ceremony with a concert of PRIX CIME winners in the next GA and another concert with the Residency winners in the GA 2019 upon the completion of their residency works. Also, the board decided the following: open the 2nd category to composers under 35 years old instead of 30 years old or students, allow submission of one work instead of two works per composer composed within the last five years, inclusion of the announcement of Finalists in the competition rules, consider to award 1 Prix and one mention for the rest of the categories, 5 or more residencies depending of the available studios, expand the residency studios, possibility to make the competition anonymous, and reorganize the categories. The discussion will continue in the GA 2018.
The items on the agenda of the General Assembly were all considered. The first day of General Assembly concluded with the final discharge of the board of directors.
14.00 pm – 14.30 pm Board of directors
Next, the Board of Directors examined the proposed places for the General Assembly of 2018 and 2019. Zhang Xiafu president of Chinese Federation and artistic director of the MUSICACOUSTICA-BEIJING Festival presented his proposal submitted in the GA in Morelia and the board voted unanimously that the 36th ICEM General Assembly Festival and Conference in 2018 will take place in Beijing during the MUSICACOUSTICA-BEIJING Festival organized by Zhang Xiafu. The date proposed by Xiafu are from October 22 to 27 2018. The host will be able to offer accommodation for the delegates, 16 channel diffusion system for acousmatic works, support for mix and video works, conference room and printed program. All members will be informed about the final dates in due time. Other proposals for 2019 where considered by Miso Portugal, Poland and Chile.
Next item in the agenda was the election of the new main board and the advisor’s council. Each of the Main Board members 2014-2017 gave an account of their past three years tenure as main board members and their projection for the next three years. Also, they all emphasized the good communication collaboration all these years.
The Board of director noted the productive past three years with well-organized General Assemblies, stellar new ICEM members, and new initiations such as the International Electroacoustic Music Competition PRIX CIME.
As a result, the board of directors unanimously voted to renew the tenure of the existing Main Board and wished to continue the good work. Therefore, Main Board for the period 2017-2020 has as follows:
President: Marek Choloniewski (Poland)
Secretary: Panayiotis Kokoras (Greece)
Treasurer: Françoise Barrière (France)
The Board of Directors also voted for the new Advisors Council which has as follows:
Gonzalo Biffarella (Argentina)
Jon Nelson (USA)
Todor Todoroff (Belgium)
German Toro-Perez (Switzerland)
Xiaofu Zhang (China)
Katerina Tzedaki (Greece)
Next, various Statues amendments were discussed such as the exact translation form the original version in France regarding the OIM translated to English as Organizations Institutions Members (OIM). Removal or Article 7.1.a and 8.2 (last sentence) .clarification of maximum number of Advisors Council, change the Executive Committee to Main Board.
On Wednesday 27 of September 2017 met for the second day.
10.00 am –12.00 pm Suite and cloture of the General Assembly
The first item on the second day of the General Assembly was the reports from the National Federations and Organization Institution Members. In turn, each Federation or OIM made a report on the activities and the situation of electroacoustic music in their country. The reports were presented with the following order:
Andrea Szigetvari (HCMF), Todor Todoroff (FeBeME), Dariusz Mazurowski (PSeME), Marek Choloniewski (PSeME), Christian Clozier (MISAME), German Toro Perez (ICST), Panayiotis Kokoras (CEMI/UNT), Katerina Tzedaki (HEMCA), Igor Kefalidis (CEAMMC), Zhang Xiafu (EMAC), Catalina Peralta (GrupLac Investigación y Creación), Manuel Rocha Iturbide (AARSOM), Jaime Reis (DIEM)
Next, the General Assembly approved the definitive admission of the British ElectroAcoustic Network, UK as a National Federation and the Spectro Center for New Music, Tehran/ Iran as an Organization Institution Member (OIM).
Also, approved the provisional admission of two new members: The Institute of Sonology in Hague as the Dutch National Federation member of ICEM, the Tempo Reale in Florence as an Organizations Institute Member of ICEM and the change of the Hungarian Computer Music Foundation (HCMF) from Organization Institution Member to Hungarian National Federation.
Next item on the agenda was the discussion regarding ICEM Honorary Members. The General Assembly unanimously voted to nominate Canadian composer R. Murray Schafer, given he will accept the honor.
12.30 pm – 14.30 pm Board of directors
In the final session, the Board of Directors approved the activities project and of provisional budgets 2018 submitted by the General Assembly and decided on the date and place for the General Assembly in 2018.
Last, the President thanked the host of CIME GA 2017, the Board of Directors and closed the meeting.
Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow
Rachmaninov Hall
35th General Assembly of International Confederation of Electroacoustic Music CIME / ICEM
Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory, September 25 – 28, 2017
25.09, 19.00 Дом композиторов (открытие) House of Composers (Opening)
Concert 1
1) Igor Stasiuk – Tryptych
- Alexander Pettai – video
2) Françoise Barrière Suoni (2017) 10’ (st) France, CIME
3) Andrey Bundin Conundrum for countertops and electronics (2016) 6’ CEAMMC, Russia
- Mark Pekarski – countertops
4) Andrea Szigetvári/Stewart Collinson Newton’s Dream (2017) 10’48 (st+video) HCMF, Hungary
5) Germán Toro-Pérez Rulfo / voces III vacío el cielo azul ( 2004) for viola and live electronics 8’30 (st) ICST, Switzerland
- Sergey Poltavsky – viola
6) Mariam Gviniashvili Coincidence (2017) 6’59 st Georgia, recom. CEAMMC
7) Xiaofu Zhang @ to Mars for percussion and electroacoustic music (2014) 11’ (6ch) EMAC, China
- Thierry Miroglio – percussion
8) Christian Clozier 22 August (1972) 17’ (st) MISAME, France
9) Marek Choloniewski Entropies (2017) 8’30 (6ch+video) PSeME, Poland
- Marek Choloniewski – brainwaves
10) Paulo Chagas Flame (2017) for dance, percussion and electronics CEAMMC, Russia
- Thierry Miroglio – percussion
- Sophie Jegou – dance
11) Katerina Tzedaki A Soundwalk (2016) 8’09 (st) HELMCA, Greece
12) Igor Kefalidis Sophisteia for percussion, electronic, dance and video (2017) 7’27 CEAMMC, Russia
- Thierry Miroglio – percussion
- Sophie Jegou – dance
- Alexander Pettai – video
13) Martyna Kosecka, Idin Samimi Mofakham Procyon (2014) 10’44 (st) Spectro, Iran
14) Nikolay Popov «D» for percussion, electronics, dance and video (2013/2017) 7’54 CEAMMC, Russia
- Dmitry Shchelkin – percussion
- Todor Pozarew (Serbia) – video
total 1h55’
26-27.09.2017 General Assembly of CIME / ICEM – Conference Hall at the House of Moscow Composers
close event available only for delegates of CIME
26.09, 19.00 Дом композиторов (акусматический концерт) House of Composers
Concert 2
1) Jean-Baptiste Zellal Spores (2017) 9’ (st) FeBeME, Belgium
2) Adrien Glineur Deux Rives (2017) 6’40 (st) FeBeME, Belgium
3) Raphaël Vens Prélude à l’abîme (2017) 6’30 (st) FeBeME, Belgium
4) Rodrigo Sigal Brain in Pulse (2012) 5:09 (st) CMMAS, Mexico
5) Catalina Leonor Peralta Caceres ZOCALO I (2016) 6’45 (st) GrupLac, Colombia
6) Peixin Liu Five Stanzas of Plum blossoms (2017) 5’ (st) EMAC, China
7) Andrew Lewis Skyline (2016) 9’28 (8ch) BEAN, UK
8) Andrew Hill Abstracted Journeys (2013) 5’05 (st) BEAN, UK
9) Parsa Hadavi Hommage á Qolamali Marqiri (2017) 6’39 (st) Spectro, Iran
10) Tonalli Rufino Nakamura Optic nerve (2016) 8’ (8ch) CCMAS, Mexico
11) Simón Pérez Las cifras y las palabras (2016) 8’ (st) FARME, Argentina
12) Damián Gorandi Albures, chistes y entresueños (2016) 8’02 (st) FARME, Argentina
13) Ezequiel Esquenazi Caída, Memoria y restitución (2015) 8’34 (st) FARME, Argentina
14) Elsa Justel Tapage nocturne (2015) 8’01 (st) FARME, Argentina
15) Horacio Vaggione GYMEL II (2015) 12’17 (st) ICST, Switzerland
total 2h06’
27.09 – 15.00 CEAMMC Moscow Conservatory
CIME Conference
Revolutions in electroacoustic music
Panel 1 – History v. Technology
15.00 – Christian Clozier (France) – The pre-history in electroacoustic music of the diffusion in concert
15.30 – Andrey Smirnov (Russia) – The Electrification of Rhythm Leon Theremin’s Rhythmicon and the theory of rhythm
16.00 – Panayiotis Kokoras (Greece/USA) – Sound Qualia: observer, time, experience
16.30 – Kees Tazelaar (The Netherlands) – Early Years of Electronic Music in The Netherlands (through Skype)
27.09, 19.00 РЗК (Большой концерт 8ch) Rachmaninov Concert Hall
Concert 3
1) Todor Todoroff Voices Part II – Distant Voices (1999) 11’43 (8ch) FeBeME, Belgium
2) Ana María Romano Gómez posdomingo 02.10.2016 (2016) 7’36 (8ch) GrupLac, Colombia
3) Lidia Zielińska Threesome C (2016) for string quartet and electronics 12’ (8ch) PSeME, Poland
- Stanislav Malyshev – violin
- Ekaterina Fomitskaia – violin
- Ekaterina Makarova – viola
- Olga Galochkina – cello
4) Nikolas Valsamakis Ionosphere – Pulsar Sketches I (2017) 6’20 (5.1) HELMCA, Greece
5) Zsolt Cselenák Fluctus (2017) 10’20 (8ch) HCMF, Hungary
6) Bálint Laczkó Waves (2017) 7’50 (8ch) HCMF, Hungary
7) Bojan Milosevic Etar (2015) audiovisual projection 10’ (8ch) ICTS, Switzerland
8) Alejandro Albornoz La Lumiere (2015) 9’45 (8ch) CECH, Chile
9) Jon Christopher Nelson Illusory Lines (2015) 10’48 (8ch) CEMI UNT, USA
10) Kees Tazelaar, Richard Barret – EQUALE (2013) 16’15 (8ch) Sonology, Holland
11) Jorge Gregorio, García Moncada Carmen, 1948 (2016) 11’38 (8ch) GrupLac, Colombia
12) Javier Álvarez Mejor morir en la selva (2016) 14’40 (8ch) AARSOM, Mexico
total 2h07’
28.09 – 10.30 CEAMMC Moscow Conservatory
CIME Conference
Panel 2 – New Systems
10.30 – Marek Choloniewski (Poland) – Brain Networks Electromagnetic
11.00 – Andrey Bundin (Russia) – Mobile devices in the context of electroacoustic music
11.30 – Jaime Reis (Portugal) – Short overview in parametric loudspeakers array technology and its implications in spatialization in electronic music
12.30 – Andrea Szigetvári (Hungary) – Revolution with electroacoustic music
13.00 – Todor Todoroff (Belgium) – Using Inertial Sensors for Music and Contemporary Dance Performances
13.30 – Mauricio Valdés San Emeterio (Mexico) – Parametric Speakers: Acoustic experiments and possible application (through Skype)
Panel 3 – Present Thesis For Future
15.00 – Dariusz Mazurowski (Poland) – Music and technology – endless race?
15.30 – Manuel Rocha Iturbide (Mexico) – Entropy and Neguentropy as an idea in music and sound art
16.00 – Alexandra Lokteva (Russia) – Analytic problems in multimedia composition
16.30 – Sergey Poltavsky / Aleksey Nadzharov (Russia) – New PureData features for education music composition
17.00 – Jon Christopher Nelson (USA) – Illusory Lines (through Skype)
17.30 – Sergej Tchirkov (Russia) – Aspects of interactivity in an instrumental performance with tape
28.09, 19.00 Дом композиторов (закрытие) House of Composers (Closing)
Concert 4
1) Francisco Colosanto Por los Andes violin, tape, real time electronics (2014) 8’30 (st+video) CMMAS, Mexico
- Stanislav Malyshev – violin
2) Georgia Spiropoulos Vocalscapes on Walt Whitman (2014) 14’00 (6ch) HELMCA, Greece
3) Jinshuo Feng Line of voice and string for Game-track controller, Kyma system 6’ (6ch+video) EMAC, China
- Jinshuo Feng – Game-track controller
4) Jose Vicente Asuar Affaires des Oiseaux (1976) 12’02 (st) CECH, Chile
5) Panayiotis Kokoras Morphallaxis for flute, percussion, cello and fixed electronics (2008) 10’ (st) CEMI UNT, USA
- Marina Rubinstein – flute
- Andrey Vinnitsky – percussion
- Olga Galochkina – cello
2nd part – CEAMMC Tchaikovsky Conservatory
6) Mengjie Qi Spirit of Sword for flute and Max/MSP 10’22 (st) EMAC, China
- Edyta Fil – flute
7) Manuel Rocha Iturbide Ashimakase for piano and electronic sounds (2010) 9’39 (st) AARSOM, Mexico
- Natalia Cherkasova – piano
8) Dariusz Mazurowski Bye Bye See You Tomorrow (2017) 11’29 (6ch) PSeME Poland
9) Nikos Stavropoulos Topophilia 8’25 (8ch) BEAN, UK
10) António Fereira About the Shovel and the Atom (2016) 10’30 (st) Miso Music, Portugal
11) Jaime Reis Fluxus, Lift – Jeux de l’espace (2013) 5’10 (st) Miso Music, Portugal
total 2h55′
Moscow Conservatory Centre for Electroacoustic Music
35th General Assembly of International Confederation of Electroacoustic Music
Moscow, September 25-28, 2017
Call for Participation, Works, Papers
Deadline, June 30, 2017 (extended till July 15, 2o17)
www.cime-icem.net | http://ceammc.com
Dear Friends,
We are pleased to announce the call for works for the CIME/ICEM 35th General Assembly
organized by the Moscow Conservatory Centre for Electroacoustic Music – CEAMMC. You can
find more information regarding the festival at <http://ceammc.com>. Please find
attached the Call For Music and the Application From. Both Concert Submission and
Conference Presentation Proposals must be submitted by June 30, 2017 (extended till July 15, 2017).
Each National Federation or International Organization Member (OIM) may submit music for
concert programming consideration. All members can submit up to 20 minutes of music total.
It will be possible to program 30 minutes for federations or OIMs that will be attending. Please
list the submitted works in order of preference.
Submissions can include works for fixed media, video, and works that include live performers.
The available instruments are members of Studio for New Music Ensemble <http://ccmm.ru/
en/index.php?page=studio&part=about>. Due to limited availability federations that submit
works requiring live performers are encouraged to provide their own performer.
In addition, the theme of the conference Revolutions in electroacoustic music, past, present
and future invites participants to submit an abstract of 500 words maximum for paper
presentation consideration. Online presentations are possible via Skype.
Accommodation and lodging expenses for the duration of the Festival will be covered by the
Moscow Conservatory Centre for Electroacoustic Music – CEAMMC. Concert Submissions and
Conference Presentation Proposals must be submitted by June 30, 2017.
Please direct any questions you may have about the submission process directly to:
Igor Kefalidis – ikefalidis@gmail.com
Konstantin Zenkin – kzenkin@list.ru
Marek Choloniewski – marek.choloniewski@gmail.com
We are looking forward to seeing you all in Moscow.!
Call for Participation
Deadline, June 30, 2017 (extended till July 15, 2017)
• National Federation/ International Member Organization:
• Member’s name:
• Email:
• Attendance:
– I do not plan to attend:
– I will attend:
Days of attendance: Monday 25, 26, 27, 28 of September:
Concert Materials Submission
To submit concert program materials, please complete the section below for each composition. In addition to
completing the form, it is required that all performance materials must be uploaded to a cloud drive such as
GoogleDrive, Dropbox, etc. with link information submitted in this form.
For each music submission, please provide the following information to:
Igor Kefalidis – ikefalidis@gmail.com
Konstantin Zenkin – kzenkin@list.ru
Marek Choloniewski – marek.choloniewski@gmail.com
with subject: CIME ICEM 2017 Music
Works Submission
For each work, please submit the following information:
• National Federation / International Member Organization:
• Title:
• Year:
• Medium: Fixed media, Live setup, Audio/Video, Instrument(s) and electronics (real time or not)
IMC – NGO official partner of UNESCO
• First/ Last Name:
• Email:
• Duration:
• Does this work require Live Performer(s)? No Yes
– I will provide my own performer (name, email)?
– Request performer(s) – Studio for New Music Ensemble.
• Program Notes:
• Short composer biography:
• Number of outputs (up to 8-channel):
• Technical information required to perform the work:
• Cloud storage shared link (dropbox, googledrive, onedrive):
IMC – NGO official partner of UNESCO
Paper Submission
For each presentation, please submit the following information to
Igor Kefalidis – ikefalidis@gmail.com
Konstantin Zenkin – kzenkin@list.ru
Marek Choloniewski – marek.choloniewski@gmail.com
Paper Submission
CIME ICEM 2017 Paper
• Author(s):
• Email:
• Title:
• Abstract (500 words maximum):
• Short biography:
• Mode of presentation:
– I will attend and present in person
– I will present via Skype
35th General Assembly of International Confederation of Electroacoustic Music CIME/ICEM
Centre for ElectroAcoustic Music Moscow Conservatory
Moscow, September 25-28, 2017
- General Assembly
- Concerts
- Conference “Revolutions in Electroacoustic Music”
35th General Assembly Meeting and the Conference of CIME / ICEM is arranged at the Studio space of CEAMMC.
CIME/ICEM concerts are organized and performed at 3 spaces:
- Rachmaninov Hall with 8-channel audio system
- Concert Hall of the Moscow Composers House with 6-channel audio system
- Small Concert Hall of the Moscow Composers House with 4-channel audio system
Accommodation and lodging expenses (limited for one delegate from each member organization of CIME) at CityComfort Hotel (near the conservatory) during 4 days of the General Assembly are covered by the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory.
Program of 4 CIME/ICEM concerts presents electroacoustic music for fixed media, instruments and electronic as well as music video. There is a special section of the Prize winners of PRIX CIME 2017 competition. The conference dedicated to “Revolutions in electroacoustic music” include papers by delegates of CIME/ICEM and other participants.
Tchaikovsky Conservatory
GA meeting and conference
Center for Electroacoustic Music Moscow Conservatory (CEAMMC)
Rachmaninov Hall (8-ch)
Moscow Composers House – Concert Hall (6-ch)
House of Moscow Composers – Small Concert Hall (4-ch)
City Comfort Hotel